Difficulty level: Medium
Diners: 4
Preparation time: 4h 30'
For the stir-fry:
In a pan with oil, mark the salted rabbit and remove. Add the chopped chives and chopped garlic to the pan, and lightly brown them. Incorporate the white wine, reduce the, and add the grated tomato.
When the stir-fry is well cooked, add the rice, the rabbit and the salt, and dip it in the chicken and rabbit broth. At medium cooking, add the diced capipota, snails (boiled) and artichokes. Let it cook with a little more broth.
Leave it to stand for 2 min and set it aside. Add ½ artichoke marked on the plate on top of each rice dish.
If we talk about rice, rabbit, artichokes and snails, surely you will think of a Valencian paella. And you are not at all wrong, because it sure has been the inspiration of Xavier Matarrodona to create this rice. But the recipe goes a little further. White wine and capipota provide juiciness and flavor, and artichokes are not only used to flavor. Here, they are left bigger so that we can enjoy them properly. If you want to taste a rice with a different touch, this recipe will not disappoint you or your diners. Enjoy your meal!
1h 30'
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